Saute the finely sliced onion in the olive oil in a pan until transparent add the sliced courgettes and their flowers without pistils
Chitarra with courgette flowers and Navelli saffron
Ingredients for 6 people:
500 g pasta Chitarra
100 g liquid cream
1/4 onion
Parmesan cheese
4 small courgettes with their flowers
3 tablespoons extra virgin olive
1 glass milk
10 saffron pistils
Preparation time: 30 minutes
Cooking time: 12 minutes
Saute the finely sliced onion in the olive oil in a pan until transparent; add the sliced courgettes and their flowers without pistils. Αdd milk gradually. Once cooked, add saffron pistils, previously soaked in a little water, the cream and salt as needed; cook on a slow heat for a few minutes. Cook the pasta in lot! of salted boiling water, strain al dente (slightly undercooked), add the pasta tο the sauce and stir in the pan. Sprinkle with slivers of cheese and serve hot.
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